Category: Career

A Few Good Forum Ideas

I’d like to share a couple of forum structure ideas that have made managing the Gearbox Software Forums a little easier and an idea we’ve yet to try. Internal Combustion Many message boards offer a forum dedicated to allowing users to flame. For example, the Xterra Owners Club used the traditional and cleverly name, “The… Read more »

The Online Architect

In a previous entry, I mentioned that my official work title at Gearbox would be changing – and it has. Originally, I hired on as community manager. Once here, I started overhauling Gearbox’s online image and have recently redesigned the company’s intranet. I am currently shifting into a completely new set of responsibilities, and will… Read more »

Community Building Case Study: Tips from

Introduction I began development on the website around July of 2004. I was working in conjunction with a promoter (now retired). Up-to and during the event, we worked to build an online following. Our budget was very limited and we were working with a previously unsuccessful festival. Somehow, we managed to pull it off…. Read more »

Is Google Building a Browser?

I just caught wind of this article that gives a bit of fresh evidence that Google may, indeed, be building a Web browser. The topic isn’t new, but golly jeepers if it isn’t exciting. Google has a long tradition of “doing things right” so I would expect G-Browser to spark a fire.

Virtual Community – What is it we’re talking about here anyway?

Definition of a Virtual Community I could simply post a link to wikipedia’s definition of virtual community and leave it at that. The free encyclopedia says: “A virtual community is a group whose members are connected by means of information technologies, typically the Internet.” However, I think it important to carefully consider the scope of… Read more »

CSS and State Machines

It suddenly occurred to me last night, CSS should include a state machine. In a subtle way, it already does with “:hover”. The hover state is triggered based on the mouse cursor’s position. This very basic state allows designers to produce some interesting results. Additionally, perhaps CSS should allow designers to create their own custom… Read more »

SXSW, in review…

Introduction… It’s been a few days since I returned from SXSW. The trip as a whole was wonderful. I enjoy being in Austin no matter the reason; and this trip was particularly rewarding. However, the Interactive Festival itself was less than I had hoped for. I hoped I would find myself surrounded by scores of… Read more »

SXSW, here I come…

It snuck up on me a lot faster than I thought it would… I barely finished upgrading our forums to vBulletin in time to go… Tomorrow morning I’m off to the SXSW Interactive Festival. Many of the interactive panels have sparked my interest including: The New New Economy, Web Design 2010, Digital Convergence In Central… Read more »

Industry Talk: When it’s time to create new jargon.

Every industry has it’s own jargon. It follows that the Internet, and every industry built around it, has it’s own jargon. Jargon develops because early adopters of – something – have to find words to describe the new concepts they discover, learn, or create. I’ve just reached a point where I may need to create… Read more »

Introduction of a Community Manager

Understanding and developing online communities is, perhaps, the fastest growing concern among Internet professionals today. I’ve been working as Gearbox Software‘s community manager since July 12th, 2004. My job at Gearbox involves being a liaison between the developer and community as well as managing the development of the community itlsef. With the upcoming launch of… Read more »