SnowTripping – Where exactly have I been?

Heavy snowfall at PurgatoryWhile organizing the upcoming Thanksgiving trip, someone asked me how many times I’d been snowboarding. Offhand, I didn’t know. I couldn’t remember all the trips. After digging through blog posts, pictures, and calling friends… I finally got the list together… mostly.

Ski Trip 1
Jan, 98: Red River New Mexico for 3 days
I rode along
4 to 6 other people

Ski Trip 2
Jan, 99: Angelfire New Mexico for 3 days
I rode along
4 to 6 other people

Ski Trip 3
Mar, 00: Angelfire New Mexico for 3 days
I organized
7 people.

Snowboard Trip 1 !!! (with 1 day of skiing)
Mar, 01: Angelfire New Mexico for 3 days
I organized
5 people (+2 not staying with us)

Snowboard Trip 2
Mar, 02: Angelfire New Mexico for 3 days
I organized
5 people

Snowboard Trip 3
Mar, 03: Angelfire New Mexico for 3 days
I organized
9 people (worst trip ever! was still fun)

Snowboard Trip 4 (day trip)
Dec 03 or Jan 04: Tyrole Basin for 1 day
Not much to organize
2 people

Snowboard Trip 5
Jan, 04: Durango/Purgatory for 3 days
I organized – cheapist trip ever!
4 people

Snowboard Trip 6
Nov, 04: Winter Park for 3 days
I organized – a rather romantic trip
2 people

Snowboard Trip 7
Dec 04-Jan 05: Crested Butte for 3 days
I rode along
9 people

Snowboard Trip 8
Nov, 05: Crested Butte for 3 days
I helped organize, overlapped with bigger group
5 for 2 days, then 9(!) for 1 day

Snowboard Trip 9
Dec 05-Jan 06: Winter Park for 3 days
I organized (had a bit of help)
7 people

So, after some quick counting, it looks like I’ve been snowboarding 24 days of my life. That’s almost a month all total. It also seems I’ve gone skiing merely 10 days of my life. I still feel I was a more accomplished skiier than I am a snowboarder. At the time, it just felt like there wasn’t much room for exploration on skis. I suppose skiing has evolved since I started. I’ve heard that snowboarding and the resulting technology has shown up in modern ski design, enabling skiers to do tricks that weren’t really possible before. I know that I’ve definitely seen sicker tricks every year I go out to the resorts. I see people pulling tricks on skis I never would have dreamed of in the 90’s.

Anyway, that’s my log book. I’m thinking that should be a website where anyone can keep a log book of their snow trips… organized by date, including pictures and trip reports. I can’t wait to put all my own photos on the site. 😀